Card of the day: judgement
This card has been coming up often in my readings of late. It makes sense: to me, the Judgement card is a card that says “yes, it’s time to change, and yes, this IS a big deal.” And here we are, isolated in so many varying ways, while the entire world tries to control a pandemic on a scale we haven’t seen in at least a century. Our entire fabric of society is being called into question. It feels that all of our lives right now are quite out of our hands; in both the literal and figurative sense. The plans we set before March 2020 have, for so many people, changed, disappeared, morphed into something new…
Rachel Pollack, in her book “Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom,” calls the Judgement card “a call to rise to a more meaningful existence…the old ways of believing and thinking, the old situations, have died without ourselves even noticing.”
Does that resonate for you as strongly as it does for me? How strange it has felt, here in my apartment in Southern California, knowing that we are all in the midst of an unprecedented global crisis, and yet feeling so strangely removed from everybody, and all tangible signs of change. But that’s what I find so beautiful about pulling the Judgement card today. Change is underway, friends, and our only choice is to follow the call.
I love so many things about this card. The colorful, enormous angel in the heavens is blowing the trumpet, and the people below have no choice but to come out of their dark boxes merely floating in the water (remember, in tarot, water is a symbol of the emotional world), and heed the call of something greater. There’s no place to hide, no way to ignore. I love the colors of this card; how the humans below are gray, with their hair gold as they turn towards the heavens; I love the image of the child in the center, arms opened wide, facing the angel and not us, as though to symbolize our new existences as a mystery, trusting the pull of Fate to lead us to a better place. Lastly, I love the concept shown with the group of people involved, that this important change is not for just us individually, but for the collective consciousness. We are all part of a much larger collective, and there is more to all of this than our own individual plot lines. Everything we do affects others. We are all part of the human race.
What is this time calling you towards? Will you heed the call, welcome the changing colors, and not only turn inside of yourself, but outwards to others? Will you jump in the water, will you fly? We don’t know how this will end, no. But we do know that something big is changing, and needs to change; it’s up to us now how we will meet it.
I said to a client recently, when this card appeared: you already know the answer. It’s just that now it’s time to listen.
May we all heed the call and move forward into a better existence, for ourselves personally as well as for humanity as a whole.